
kihontekina (Japanese: 基本的な, Hepburn: Kihon-tekina) - in japanese it means ‘basic’.

kihontekina.dev - is a blog from a developer for developers about creating game logic on Unity3D. Following the meaning of the name of this blog, the main goal is to gather practices and set the basis for more exciting and ambitious projects. It assumed that there would reveal how to implement standard game mechanics, but for sure, there will be some flame themes, we can be assured only in one thing - this blog is not about game design.

Why we need one more blog?

At one moment, I noticed that the central part of the answers to my questions become from other blogs. So when I want to create someplace where I can collect and share information about things, which I interested in, blog format seems like the most optimal and acceptable choice. By the way, this blog is NOT about game design.

Who is the author?

This blog belongs to the author under the pseudonym Tulenber. By the way, he doesn’t know Unity ^_^, and this blog is NOT ABOUT GAME DESIGN! =)

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Tulenber 2020